We Matter

2 min readApr 22, 2021

I was moved by the chant “We Matter”, and did a bit of processing what it meant to me. I’m a new to watercolors, practicing every day. When I was spending time with my daughter I tried to capture her profile (in my practice time) and in words describe what I hope for her (and all children) to experience. A community, country and world where they know how much they matter.

We Matter
by Janet Richards, motivated by the chant of the people gathered in Minnapolis on April 20, 2021

We matter
We matter when our lives are valued
We matter when our voices are heard
We matter when our perspectives are respected
We matter when our stories are believed
We matter when we are allowed to learn and grow from our mistakes
We matter when our worst days do not define the entirety of our lives
We matter when our unique contributions are included in the success stories of our communities
We matter when our safe places are honored
We matter when we are seen as fully created in the Image of God
We matter when we are able to be young and immature and grow older and wiser
We matter when our present circumstances do not define our future destinies
We matter when our bodies, minds and souls are protected by our communities
We matter when it is assumed, of course, we matter
We matter
We matter
We matter




Follower of Jesus. Wife, Mom to three JCs. God has blessed me beyond measure and I have a renewed passion to share it.